
Friday, 11 November 2016

Maths: Maths Card - Multiplication

This is the maths work that I completed today. I mainly worked on multiplication today.

Religious Education: Communion of Saints - St. Maria Goretti & St. Clare of Assisi

This is my presentation on St. Maria Goretti & St. Clare of Assisi. Our learn was to show how they both showed their love to God throughout their life. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Religious Education: Communion of Saints - Choices

This link is to my group and I's work that we did on Religious Education this week. We talked about making choices and what we would do in different situations.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Maths: Maths Cards

This is my maths work that I did today. I worked with the maths cards.
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Monday, 7 November 2016

Maths: Mathletics Awards

In Room 7 we use a site called Mathletics. It is like Maths Whizz but our teacher can control what activities we do. When you complete an activity you get a certain amount of points. Those points determine what certificates you get. You have to get 1000 points to get 1 bronze certificate. Then you have to get 5 bronze certificates to get 1 silver certificate. Then you have to get 4 silver certificates to get 1 gold certificate. So far I have 7 bronze certificates and 1 silver certificate. My goal is to get 1 gold certificate by the end of the year.
Screenshot 2016-11-07 at 11.17.44 AM.png Screenshot 2016-11-07 at 11.17.26 AM.png

Friday, 4 November 2016

Scratch: The Flying Animals

This week in Room 7 we learnt how to use a new site called 'Scratch'. Where we can animate characters or games. I learnt how to make characters look like they are flying. I hope that you enjoy!

Language: Spanish - Age, Address, Phone Number

This is my spanish recording of my phone number, my home address and my age.

Religious Education: Communion of Saints - St. Francis of Borgia

This is my Communion of Saints presentation on St. Francis of Borgia. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Writing: Reflection - Testing Week

Last week it has been quite stressful, but also fun in some ways. I say stressful because throughout the week I have been studying very hard and nervous whether or not I would get a good score. But it has also been fun because I have enjoyed answering questions that I know are right. It makes me feel good and puts a smile on my face.

Religious Education: Saints!

Word Cloud - Saints.png
This is my wordle of all the words associated with Saints. I had word like loving, caring, friendly etc. I learnt from this that Saints were people like you and me, they weren’t people with special ability. They were just stronger in their faith. I also learnt some new words from this.