This is are just some descriptive words of how others see me like my Friends and my Family. But there are also a few descriptive words of how I see myself.
I am a Year 8 student at St Pius X Catholic School in Auckland. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tui.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
My Photo Story - Inquiry
Learn: Engage their families in the learning process by working at home to select photographs that represent aspects of their lives
This is my photo story. It contains photos from my childhood and little captions at the top of the photo. I hope that you enjoy!
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Soul Friend Day
Today is St Patrick’s Day, but for St Pius X Catholic School it is also Soul Friends Day. Soul Friends is when you buddy up a younger student with an older student and they support, comfort and bond together. The concept of Soul Friends originated from Ireland, but the Irish Holy Faith Sisters introduced it to St Pius X School. The Holy Faith Sisters are the group of Nuns that started our school.
This year my final Soul Friend is Mele. She is 5 years-old, Year 0 and in Room 1. She is beautiful, funny, enthusiastic and loves to read. During Mass Father Felise blessed all the Soul Friends. So after mass Room 7 & 1 sang songs, shared morning tea and bonded. We have Soul Friends at our school so that we can become closer with he/her and God.
This year my final Soul Friend is Mele. She is 5 years-old, Year 0 and in Room 1. She is beautiful, funny, enthusiastic and loves to read. During Mass Father Felise blessed all the Soul Friends. So after mass Room 7 & 1 sang songs, shared morning tea and bonded. We have Soul Friends at our school so that we can become closer with he/her and God.
Here at St Pius we talk, listen, play and support our Soul Friends everyday. We also read to our Soul Friends and vise-versa. This is called Buddy Reading. This year I would like to be able to support my Soul Friend and get to know her better.
Monday, 14 March 2016
Religious Education: Father Francis Vernon Douglas - Week 6
Learn: To be able to compare and contrast.
For Religious Education this week we read about a Father named Francis Vernon Douglas. My activity that I did was a Venn Diagram. We had to compare him to Jesus, then write down what they both have in common.
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Maths: Add and Subtract Decimals - Week 6
Learn: To be able to Add and Subtract Decimals.
For Maths this week my learn was to be able to Add and Subtract Decimals. I am confident to say that I am able to Add Decimals. But I need to keep working on how to Subtract Decimals.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Writing Recount: Second Tennis Experience!
Learn: To be able to use correct punctuation.
We all gathered into the tennis court. “Everyone find a partner!” Our tennis coach shouted. I was just fortunate enough to find a partner, Von. We were then told to go on either ends of the lines. So Von went on the other end and I stand at my end. We started off by bouncing the ball at each other's direction. We did this for a while, we then got to finally grab a racket. We got to softly hit the ball to and fro.
I think that these exercises helped us to gain control. A few minutes later we had to throw a ball to our partner and they had to hit it back. But if you can catch the ball then you earn a point. This was particularly tricky for me because it is not easy to control how hard you hit the the tennis ball. But at the end I got the hang of it. We then finally got onto rallies. I was quite looking forward to it. Everytime you win one rally. You earn a point and if you win the court then you are claimed King or Queen of the court. I earned myself 4 points but unfortunately didn’t win.
After this our final game was the Elimination Game. The same game that we played in our first Tennis lesson. The game went on for a while, but we didn’t get to finish it because our time ran out. We collected the rackets and balls waved our goodbyes and set off back to class.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Reading: Monitor My Reading - Week 6
Text: Mr Archibald
Learn: To be able to monitor my reading.
1. QUESTION: I wonder? What if? Why? How? -
Answer: Why Edward thought that going to war is cool?
I wonder what Edward is going to say to his father?
How did Mr Archibald know that something was on Edward’s mind?
What if Edward’s father did go to war?
2. VISUALIZE: Images I see... The scene I can picture the clearest is... -
Answer: The scene that I can picture is Mr Archibald telling Edward to sit down. Then Mr Archibald asking him what’s wrong. Edward just exploding about how he feels about his father and he hates him and thinks that he is a coward. But then I see Mr Archibald completely cool and calm and telling him that his father is not a coward and asking how he can hate his own father.
3. INFER: I think the author wants me to know... The author didn't actually say.... but I think... Things seem... -
Answer: I think that the authors wants me to know that going to war and fighting is not the most courageous thing to do. This is because going to war seems cool and seems like a courageous thing to do, but saying no to something that makes you look like a coward, but you know that it is the right thing to do, is something that takes guts and courage.
4. CONNECT: This part reminds me of... My life... The world... Other texts... -
Answer: When Edward thinks that going to war is something cool is reminds me of my cousin Diego. This is because he has also thinks that getting into fights and going to war or playing with guns is the coolest thing to do.
5. FEEL: Which parts did you have an emotional connection to? How did YOU feel when you read this part? -
Answer: I don’t emotionally connect to this book. But when Mr Archibald told Edward about what his father is doing it just made me realise. That sometimes saying no takes more guts.
6. EVALUATE: Was this good? Why? Why not? What would make it better? -
Answer: I think that this book is great. This is because it really made me think different about war. I also liked it because it shows us that we have to sometimes think about it from our parents point of view.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Monitor My Reading #1: Badge of Honour
Monitor My Reading #1: Badge of Honour
Learn: to be able to monitor my reading.
To show I understand what I read, I have to...
1. QUESTION: I wonder? What if? Why? How? -
I wonder what happened at the end?
I wonder if Isaac did really lie for Tamasi?
2. VISUALIZE: Images I see... The scene I can picture the clearest is... -
Answer: On the first page the scene that I picture in my head is the school hall. The students and teachers sitting in the audience. Then Tamasi and Isaac stand up and join the rest of the school captains. Then everybody starts clapping.
3. INFER: I think the author wants me to know... The author didn't actually say.... but I think... Things seem... -
Answer: I think that the author wants me to know that we should always do the right thing. Even though Tamasi is Isaac’s friend he still should’ve told Miss Latu straight away.
4. CONNECT: This part reminds me of... My life... The world... Other texts... -
Answer: In the beginning when they announce the school captains. It reminds me of when Joshua, Patrick, Rosrine and I first got announced school leaders in our Opening Mass.
5. FEEL: Which parts did you have an emotional connection to? How did YOU feel when you read this part? -
Answer: The part that I connected to was when Tamasi asked Isaac to lie for him.
6. EVALUATE: Was this good? Why? Why not? What would make it better?
Answer: I think that this book was quite good. This book was good for me because it had a moral to the story. I also think that the structure was good and also the vocabulary.
Narrative Writing: The Calming of the Storm
Jesus slowly brang the boat over by the rocky shore and hopped in. We also followed suit and then set off to sea. It was quite a lovely day and I was quite enjoying myself. I think the others were as well. The sun was blazing hot, but with the occasional breeze and cloud, it was still quite cool.
Everything was going well, until a great storm starting to rise within the waves. The wind picked up and the waves got bigger. Everyone started to panic, everyone but Jesus. He was sleeping peacefully in the corner of the boat. The waves rose up like a lion and started to roar. The wind was like an ear piercing scream that you could not avoid. It was the most horrifying thing that I had ever experienced. “Jesus save us, otherwise we might drown!” I shouted at Jesus. Jesus finally woke and asked “Why are you afraid? Do you not have enough faith?”
Jesus then stood up raised his arms and commanded the waves and winds to calm down. All at once the waves shrinked and the winds went back to a breeze. We all sat there shocked, but amazed at the same time. We did not
know what to do, so we just sat there stunned. “Who are you? What kind of man is able to command the waves and the wind?” I finally asked breaking the silence. But Jesus just merely smiled and started leading the boat back to the rocky shore.
Everything was going well, until a great storm starting to rise within the waves. The wind picked up and the waves got bigger. Everyone started to panic, everyone but Jesus. He was sleeping peacefully in the corner of the boat. The waves rose up like a lion and started to roar. The wind was like an ear piercing scream that you could not avoid. It was the most horrifying thing that I had ever experienced. “Jesus save us, otherwise we might drown!” I shouted at Jesus. Jesus finally woke and asked “Why are you afraid? Do you not have enough faith?”
Jesus then stood up raised his arms and commanded the waves and winds to calm down. All at once the waves shrinked and the winds went back to a breeze. We all sat there shocked, but amazed at the same time. We did not
know what to do, so we just sat there stunned. “Who are you? What kind of man is able to command the waves and the wind?” I finally asked breaking the silence. But Jesus just merely smiled and started leading the boat back to the rocky shore.
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