I am a Year 8 student at St Pius X Catholic School in Auckland. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tui.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Reflection: Writing Test
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Recount: An Important Test
The papers were handed out and everyone wrote their names and information down. Mrs Tui started giving us instructions and tips of how to get through the test. But all I could hear was the rough sweeping of the broom from outside and tried to relax. I was just trying to get a clear head. But I couldn’t because my leg suddenly began to shake uncontrollably. I received my test and the test had clearly said to write in capitals, but I wrote in lower cases. I had made a mistake already and the test hadn’t even started!
“Make sure to look at the picture first,” Mrs Tui’s loud voice boomed through the air. In the inside I was just hoping to God to get at least more than half right. I had just seemed to calm down until Mrs Tui said, “I am expecting a 7 from you.” I nodded back and knew exactly what she meant, which was that she expected a Statine 7 from me.
“You have 4 minutes and your time starts now!” Mrs Tui announced. Everyone got their heads down and some just seemed to stare at corners in the class room. My hand seemed to zoom through the pages. Less than an hour later and the test was over. It was over before I even knew it. Everyone finally got to talk and the voices filled the air of the classroom. Again I sat there in silence and was just relieved that the tests were finally over. But then I have the Writing tests to worry about. ‘Great,’ I thought to myself.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Memorable Time: A Tragic Bike Accident
It was a cloudy but windy afternoon and my Dad had just dropped my sister and I off to my Aunt’s house. “Do you have to go to training?” I asked my Dad. “Yes, I have to!” He replied. I sighed heavily and jumped out of the car. “Stay inside the house,” he strictly warned us. “Mm-hm,” the same thing that I always replied. “Bye,” he said and he starting driving off. So I just waved back and watched his small black car fade into the distance.
While I was approaching the front door I noticed something purple out of the corner of my eye. ‘A bike?’ I thought to myself. I gazed at it for a second and had a thought of riding it. This made me excited, but that excitement quickly faded when my Father’s words appeared back into my head. I heavily sighed again and walked inside the house and sat down. I then heard the familiar voices of my older cousins, so in some way it made it less boring.
I tried to get the thought of the purple bike out of my head, but I couldn’t. So I snuck out quietly and saw the purple bike in the same position that I had first found it. To me it had the words ‘ride me’ written on it. So I jumped on it and rode down the driveway. I felt so free and ‘grown’ up, even though I was only like 7 years-old. I made the choice to go to the top of the hill and ride back down, bad choice.
I started riding down the hill, thinking that it was the best feeling in the world. But suddenly out of nowhere I then saw that there was a lady walking up the hill. The first thing that I thought of was that I would crash into her. So then the logical thing to do would be to hit the brakes, right? Wrong, my 7 year-old brain told me to jump off the bike. So that’s what I did, unluckily for me I landed face first on the concrete.
“Are you ok?” She asked me. But I didn’t need to answer that question because of the state that my face was in. “Where do you live?” She said worriedly and I pointed to my Aunt’s house. We arrived there and my Aunt opened up the door. But she was greeted with a random lady and a niece with a bloody face.
She rushed me to the couch and I sat down with my other cousins surrounding me. “Get the clothe, get the first aid-kit!” My Aunt screamed. My other cousins standing there with shocked faces. “Hello, Sonny? I heard my older cousin say on the phone. ‘Uh-oh’ I thought to myself, ‘I’m in big trouble.’ But for me it was the first time that I had ever had a bloody nose, so in some way I tried to see the bright side of it but couldn’t. Minutes later my father drove down the driveway like a crazy person and rushed through the door.
I looked at him and he looked at me with a horrific expression on his face. He took me inside the car and he drove off to the doctors in silence. The doctors took a look at me and said something along the lines of, “ok it looks like she will have to go to the Starship Hospital.” But first my Dad bought some medication for me at the Pharmacy.
During that whole time he hadn’t even said a word to me, so I knew what that meant. “Dad, I am so so sorry for not listening to you.” I said remorsely. “You didn’t listen to me, now look what has happened to you.” He replied.
I regretted picking up that bike and felt like a wall of disappointment had just hit me right in the face. After going to the Starship Hospital I cleaned up and went to sleep. But this was something that was really hard for me to do because I just kept thinking ‘if the bike was never there, this would of had never happened.’ But I knew deep down that the bike wasn’t the enemy in this situation. ‘What’s wrong with you Alecia?’ I kept repeating to myself in my head.
For me even though this wasn’t the saddest event that I had ever experience, it sure did scar me for a long time. I just remembered going to school with people giving me funny looks, which was really hard for me because I knew why. This was a sad event because firstly I was in a lot of pain. Secondly because my face was messed. Thirdly and most importantly I disobeyed my Father’s rules and so he was really disappointed in me.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Holiday Recount: An Exciting Day!
The Cinema went dark and everyone went silent. I was filled with excitement and couldn’t wait for the movie to start. Yes, as you have guessed I was at the movies! I went to the movies with my family plus my little cousin. For me it was a perfect Saturday afternoon to watch a movie. We went to the movies because my parents decided to spend some time together as a family.
Firstly before we go to Hoyts, as usual we had to go to Pak’n’Save to grab lollies and drinks. I ran around the shop wildly trying to find the perfect lolly. I finally came to the lolly aisle and I saw rows and rows of mouthwatering Candy. I finally came to a decision, which were Pods. But now that I think about I probably should of chose a healthier choice.
Following on we then headed off to Hoyts. We were watching the new movie called Pan. It was based on the Classic Disney Movie Peter Pan. I have always loved Peter Pan, so I was sure that I would enjoy this movie.
When we arrived I saw crowds of people lining up with excited faces. But I also smelt the buttery Popcorn that made my mouth water. Finally after the long waiting in line, we got our Popcorn and Tickets and were finally able to go into the Cinema. I was then finally able to sit and feel the comfortable seats, finally able to relax.
In the movie there were magical creatures and interesting characters. Which was what made me love the movie even more. I really enjoyed myself during the movie because I got to get treated with my favourite treats (Popcorn and Pods). I also really enjoyed the movie because it was very adventurous, but there were also some funny parts as well.
There were also some twists in the movie which made it even more interesting. Later after the movie my family and I tried to leave the Cinema. But all I saw were crowds of people blocking our way. At the same time I could still smell the deliciousness of the buttery popcorn. We finally left Sylvia Park, got in the car and drove back home.
After that fun experience I felt really really happy, because I got to eat my favourite treats and watch a fantastic movie with my family.
Monday, 12 October 2015
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