
Thursday, 30 April 2015

Holy Spirit Strand

In Room 7, we are learning about the Holy Spirit, for the next 5 weeks. Our learning intention is to find how the Holy Spirit worked in people in the Old Testament. Everyone in the class had to make a brainstorm about anything that we had known about the Holy Spirit. Here is a picture of my Brainstorm. My next step is to read more scriptures that have the Holy Spirit in them.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Water Dangers

This is a brainstorm that I have done on Google Draws about Water Dangers. The main goal was to identify Water Dangers that would happen either at home or around the world. Ex: people drowning from the rough sea. I hope that this will help you to be more careful around water.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Anzac Day!

Anzac Day is a very special day for all the men and women that fought for New Zealand. It used to be just for the people that fought in World War I but then changed to honor those people. Anzac Day will always occur on the 25th of April. It is celebrated on that day because that was the day that the soldiers landed on Gallipoli. This year is extra special because this is the 100th year. The war happened in 1915, but it was first celebrated in 1916.

We celebrate Anzac Day because as I said we are honoring and remembering the men and the women that died for our country. But used to be to remember those Australian and New Zealanders that died on the Gallipoli Beach.

So now every year on the 25th of April to celebrate we will usually have a dawn parade. In Auckland the dawn parade will take place at the Museum. Then followed by a march in silence to the war memorial, where the flags are at half-mast. Then the laying of the wreaths at the war memorial. Then we will read a very special poem. Followed by the playing of The Last Post on the bugle. After that we will a time of silence, then followed by the raising of the flags and the playing of Reveille on the bugle.

The Poem goes like this:

They shall not grow old
As we who are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We shall remember them

But if some people can not do this then by supporting them most people will buy a red poppy at the shops. We wear a red poppy because the poppies (flower) were growing and blooming amongst the flanders field. I hope that you have had a wonderful Anzac Day!

Friday, 24 April 2015

Letter: Anzac Memorial Service

Dear Absent people,

this morning was awesome. We started off with a whole school mass, with some parish people. Then after the mass everybody made their way to the Grotto. Where we had a amazing Anzac Memorial Service honoring all those who served for New Zealand. I think that you guys have missed a really amazing morning. Write to you soon.

Sincerely yours: Alecia

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Thank You Letter: Halamehi

Dear Halamehi, thank you for all the good and awesome things that you have done for our school! Everyone appreciates everything you have done for us like, giving us shoes, organising the breakfast club and the play group. Thank you for organising the Kids Cans things. Without you none of us would of received Rain Jackets and Shoes. Well I just hope that you have a great time in Australia with your family! Thank you and we will miss you from the moon and back.
Sincerely: Alecia

H - Has a big heart for the people that needed her help the most.

A - Asks for nothing in return for the help that she did.

L - Loves everyone like her one child.

A - Always tries to do good things for not just the children, but 
for the school.

M - Misses no child in need by providing shoes and rain jackets as well.

E - Engages with other staff people and school students by giving.

H - Has started a play group and a breakfast club.

I - Is one of the most affectionate, loving, caring and thoughtful person.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Holy Week

For Religious Education this week we are talking about Holy Week. So for one of our activities we are listing the events that are happening this week.

Palm Sunday - On Palm Sunday we hold Palms to celebrate the day that Jesus came into town riding on a donkey. It will always fall on the 29th of March. The last day before Holy week.
Image result for palm sunday jesus
 Jesus riding in on a Donkey.

Chrism Mass - Chrism Mass is when the Bishop blesses the oil for the use of the year. The Bishop blesses the Oil of Sick, Oil of Catechumens  and the Sacred Chrism
Image result for chrism mass
The Bishop blessing the Oils.

Holy Thursday - Holy Thursday will fall on April the 2nd. Holy Thursday is special because it is the day that Jesus had his last Supper with his disciples and it is the washing of the feet.
Image result for holy thursday
Jesus having his Last Supper with the disciples.

Good Friday - Good Friday will be on April the 3rd. It is special because it was the day that Jesus got crucified on the cross; to save our sins.
Image result for good friday
            When Jesus gets crucified on the cross

Easter - Easter is on the 5th of April. It is special because it is the day that Jesus resurrected; 3 days after the died.

Image result for easter day jesus
Jesus has resurrected.

In my Parish to celebrate Holy Week. We will have special Mass on Sunday (Palm Sunday.) Then on Thursday we will have the washing of the feet, which will happen during a Mass. Then we will have another special Mass on Friday. Then a Easter mass.

Reflection On First - Tee

During this Term we have playing our Kiwi - Sport. Our Kiwi - 
Image result for first - tee kids playingSport was Golf or First - Tee. We
started in the beginning of the 
year and have improved our skills.
Our first lesson we talked about 
Image result for first - tee kids playingrespect. Our coach (Mr. Thompson) 
thought that talking about respect, 
integrity, courtesy etc was very 
He also showed us how to set up. Left hand, right hand, legs together, left foot, right foot, pegu, pop..... SMASH! That’s how we set up.

So in the beginning of each lesson we would talk about a specific virtue. Or he would show us through an activity. Then after learning our lesson we would play a game. We learnt how to play Snag Golf. Which was like Baseball/Softball. But with Golf. We learnt that the small shots were the most important. Not the big shots. We also learnt about OBY which was others before yourself. Then after every lesson we will shake hands as a sign of respect. Which I thought was really thoughtful.

Throughout the Term I have really enjoyed the First - Tee lessons because Mr. Thompson didn't just teach us how to set up or how to hit the ball. He also taught us some really important lessons and virtue.